Title: APOROPHOBIA: a useful and current reflection for tomorrow’s social complexity
The contributions presented address aporophobia in contemporary Brazilian society, focusing on various dimensions of the phenomenon. It highlights the contradiction between ethical principles, proclaimed human rights and the practice of systemic rejection of poverty. Aporophobia is associated with hate crimes against the poor, highlighting a conflict between the protection of individual rights and the fight against discrimination. The relationship between economic inequality, structural poverty and aporophobia is highlighted, emphasizing the importance of disseminating the debate in educational and media contexts. The urgency of tackling social inequalities is recognized, especially in the face of the necropolitics exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. The influence of political discourses on the culture of hate is discussed, pointing to the need for measures that promote social inclusion and the eradication of poverty. In the context of the fight against aporophobia, the importance of effective public policies aimed at social equity and need for measures that promote social guaranteeing basic human rights is highlighted. In summary, the collective contributions converge towards a critical reflection on building a fairer, more inclusive and humane society, pointing out ways to prevent and eliminate aporophobia.
The professionals who wrote this paper are dedicated to working on health policy in Brazil, as well as the relationships that take place in society, with the SUS (Unified Health System) being the means by which we fight to guarantee rights for the population. In this sense, we seek to develop studies that contribute to societal development, through socio-cultural phenomena such as Aporophobia.